Thursday, November 13, 2008

Beau Graduates

Beau graduated from Puppy School this week and I couldn't be prouder. Ferg didn't come along as he had to travel to Melbourne for business, so Beau and I went alone. He managed to sit and drop on command and after a few tries he stayed and came to me. He played up a little bit at his final Puppy School (probably because Ferg wasn't there) and even managed to be the only dog in his class to poop in the middle of the room (how embarrassing).

We'd started leaving the gate open so Beau had free range of the property, but we've had to lock him up again of late as he keeps eating seeds from one of the palm trees (which seem to me to be too big for him to pass ... but he does) and he's taken to munching on cane toads (which can kill him), so until he's a little older and realises these things aren't food he can only be out with us in attendance.

Here's some updated pictures of our little darling, he's 15 weeks old today and managed to put on 2kgs within the last week taking him to a total of 10kgs ... they grow up so fast ...

Beau gets a bone for the first time; Sitting pretty;

On the ready as soon as a ball is in our hands;

Loves playing fetch;

The graduate, he got a little graduation hat and everything (he didn't like it though).

"The average dog is a nicer person than the average person."
~Andy Rooney ~


Vijay said...

ur blog is greaaattt....
the way u hv designed it is awesome...
plz tell me how you have changed the background( template )...
Keep posting..
(my e-mail is

Shelly said...

Yayyyy, Beau !! You graduated !!(Diana, you will have to pass the congratulations along for me. He deserves an extra treat or two.) He is quite the boy. I know you are a proud mom.
Love the quote.